Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

How to find college textbooks cheaper

You might call it a student's first lesson in exploitation: paying $ 100 for textbooks, and then only get $ 12 when sold back to the campus bookstore at the end of the semester.

College textbook prices rose about 6 percent, on average, every year - twice the rate of inflation - from 1986 to 2004. And nothing more annoying then pay the sticker price on a textbook (well, with the exception of the school itself), when many other books available at a discount. The cost of buying textbooks can easily add up to $ 1,000 per year or more.

Thankfully, the federal rules that went into effect in July may help reduce pain. Publishers can no longer bundle their textbooks with materials such as workbooks over, and they have to disclose their prices to professors when making a sales pitch. Colleges, meanwhile, is now required to provide students with a list of books assigned at the time of registration only, which allows more time for shopping before class begins.

That's very important now because there are more ways to save on books if you buy or rent online. Times article from last year, provides a wealth of information that can help. But we also spoke with Nicole Allen, the book advocates the Student Public Interest Research Group, for a few tips:

Free Books Google Books has scanned a lot of text into its database, although you can not find everything you need - or, you can only have access to every page 10, Ms. Allen said. Meanwhile, Project Gutenberg has taken the book out-of-copyright in the public domain and scanned them into the library. "If you learn to Jane Austen, you will not have an easy time following along with page numbers, but you certainly can get access to the text without paying for it," he added.

The use of open source text book called, offered by companies such as FlatWorld Knowledge, also increased. "Students are assigned a textbook open-source can usually download a free copy, or they can purchase a printed and bound version for $ 20 to $ 40," Ms. Allen said. (Suggest to your future professors.)

ETextbooks Are you the kind of student who really relaxing read on your computer or IPAD and will not be tempted to print anything? Then consider using eTextbooks, which is a digital version of textbooks which usually sell for about half the full retail price., for example, is a consortium of publishers of text books that provide eTextbooks which allows students to highlight and record electronically. Printing, however, is limited to 10 pages at once. "We found that 75 percent of students still prefer print to digital," added Ms. Allen.

Renting ...

On Campus Some universities have started programs that allow students to rent their textbooks. Rent-A-Text, for example, has been working with 800 college bookstore. Said to be hired for the semester books cost about half the purchase price, while online purchases can be picked up at your college bookstore. (Note to highlight fanatics: you will not be penalized, as long as you sign is not "excessive.")

Online But you'll also want to know how the prices compare with renting online. has a reputation as a rental company Netflix books - books that are used are known to arrive at the bright orange boxes, and more importantly, in good condition. Shipping starts at $ 3.99, and free return shipping.

Cutting Out ​​the Middle Man ...

Some students have listed the books they have on Facebook, Ms. Allen said, or even Craigslist. The Student PIRGs also has its own book swapping Web site, which allows students to seek university and post books they have, or find that they need.

Sell ​​Your Books ...

You usually will not get the best deal from your campus bookstore. But if the store knew it would require the same book next semester, could pay as much as 40 or 50 percent off the retail price, Ms. Allen said.

Most of the booksellers who used large will also buy it back. not buy used books, but it has a neat search engine that lists are bought and how much they pay.

And if you're feeling charitable, you can donate or sell your book to, which raises money for literacy initiatives.

Where do you find the best deals on college textbooks? Do you think it is better to buy or rent?