Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

Pilihan Tokoh Sejarah Dunia

The same is true with the birth of Abraham Lincoln, February 12, 1809 in Shrewsbury, England. Charles Darwin was the inventor of the theory of organic evolution in the sense that natural selection is at the age of sixteen [...]

This figure first Roman emperor who embraced Christian Religion. Through convert it and various ways by which this development, he held prominent role in this change of religion Christian Religion which are pursued and threatened [...]

Italian political philosopher, Niccolo Machiavelli, famous for the frank advice that a ruler who wanted to remain in power and strengthen his power must use guile, cunning and deceit, coupled with the use of cruel use of [...]

ABRAHAM LINCOLN 1809-1865 President of the United States into the 16th, Abraham Lincoln, one of the most famous and impressive political figure who once owned the United States - or any country as well. Well, if it does,

THOMAS EDISON 1847-1931 Versatile inventor Thomas Alva Edison was born in 1847 in Milan, Ohio, United States. Just three years he received formal education, after it kicked out of school because the teacher thought the

Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen November 8, 1895 X-ray again to make the experiment with the "cathode rays." Cathode rays consist of electron flow. Diprodusir flow by using high voltage between electrodes placed at each end of

KARL MARX (1818 - 1883) Karl Marx, the main pioneer of the idea of ​​"scientific socialism" was born in 1818 in the city of Trier, Germany, his father a lawyer and at age seventeen Karl entered the University of Bonn,y

Kembalinya Belanda bersama SekutuSesuai dengan perjanjian Wina pada tahun 1942, bahwa negara-negara sekutu bersepakat untuk mengembalikan wilayah-wilayah yang kini diduduki Jepang pada pemilik koloninya masing-masing bila [...