Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

Challenge Ki Ageng Kedu

That the Holy Sunan was a tall and powerful Guardians knowledgeable society is understandable, but there is one who feels more powerful than the Sunan Kudus. The man named Ki Ageng Kedu. A powerful body only has the science of relief in such a way that just by throwing a winnowing tray and then he jumped into the air to rest on the winnowing that he too can fly according to her wishes.
One day the curious Ki Ageng Kedu of supernatural power of the Holy Sunan want to try to contest his supernatural powers. As usual, he took a winnowing tray and then flew to the holy area. People who see it feel awe and wonder, Ki Ageng Kedu slip by so quickly over people's homes. When Ghost was in the area he did not go straight down from tampahnya, mala laughter around the Holy city. Sunan Muridmurid Holy been curious to see kepongahannya, but it has not come out of Sunan Holy Mosque, he was still reading dhikr after prayer. He also did not feel surprised when out of the mosque to see Ki Ageng Kedu yelling her name.
"O Holy Sunan come on out! Face Ki Ageng Kedu I want to challenge you shoot magic! "
Suddenly the Holy Sunan menundingkan hand toward Ki Ageng Kedu while saying, "I'm here Ki Ageng Kedu!"
Immediate blood tersirap Ki Ageng Kedu. Winnowing the driving suddenly shaky here and there. Uncontrolled again, his body suddenly turned into a light weight and immediately sucked in by the force of gravity, even as it struck down by a supernatural power that is not visible to the eye. Ki Ageng Kedu body thrown into the muddy ground, which
in the Javanese language called Jember, until now where it fell Ki Ageng Kedu called Jember.
After collapsing to the ground is muddy and dirty, all the magic Ki Ageng Kedu vanished instantly. He has turned into a human being, unable to fly again as before.